Dodge Charger Cruise Control Not Working – What to Do?

Are you having problems with your Dodge Charger’s cruise control not working? Don’t worry, you’re not alone! Many drivers have reported the same issue. In this article, we’ll explain why this problem occurs and what you can do to fix it.

We’ll also discuss some of the common use cases for cruise control and how to make sure that it is functioning properly in your car. With these tips, you’ll be able to get back on the road without any more issues!

Common Reasons For Dodge Charger Cruise Control Not Working

Dodge Charger Cruise Control Not Working Inspections typically cost around $95 total, which includes labor and parts costs of $0. Location-specific price differences are possible.

When taking a long trip or driving on the interstate, cruise control can be a lifesaver. Once you’ve programmed in a speed, you can take your foot off the gas, and the car will keep going at that rate. Today’s cruise control systems are so advanced that you can even follow the car in front of you while staying at a certain speed and distance.

A loss of cruise control is unpleasant at best, and perhaps deadly in the worst case. If your cruise control suddenly stops working, you could be rapidly slowing down. Although it may be tempting to relax when driving with cruise control engaged, doing so is dangerous.

01. Throttle Position Sensor Isn’t Working

The function of the throttle position sensor (TPS) in a car is to detect how far the accelerator pedal is depressed. There was no TPS back in the day since cars didn’t have computers.

The TPS is a vital component of the engine due to the increasing prevalence of computerization, fuel injection, and fuel efficiency standards in modern automobiles. It is the computer’s job to fine-tune various aspects of the engine based on the TPS reading, but fuel injection is where most of the action lies.

If the TPS is broken, your car’s engine won’t perform well. Typically, the engine will idle properly but struggle to accelerate. The reason for this is that the engine’s airflow is increasing, but the computer is not telling it to inject more fuel.Depending on the nature of the failure, the malfunction indicator lamp (MIL) may or may not light up when this occurs in most automobiles.

In the event that a faulty TPS is detected, it can be swapped out for a new one. Most of the time, you have to unplug the old one, take off a few screws, and plug in the new one the opposite way.

The MIL light must be reset if it was on. The battery can be removed for a brief period of time, or a code reader with a reset button can be used for this purpose.

When replacing the TPS sensor in some vehicles, the new sensor may provide the computer with slightly different data than the old one. Calibration by a service center would be required in this circumstance, even if that’s not typically the case.

Once a TPS that is faulty has been identified, it can be replaced. Typically, this involves unplugging the old device, removing a few screws, and installing the new device in reverse order.

02. Bad Cruise Control Actuator

Is your Dodge Charger’s cruise control not working?It could be the cruise control actuator. The cruise control actuator is responsible for controlling the speed of your vehicle. It’s responsible for controlling how much fuel is sent to the engine, as well as adjusting the air/fuel mixture and spark timing in order to maintain a certain speed. If it is malfunctioning, it can cause your Dodge Charger’s cruise control to not work properly.

Cruise Control Actuators are an essential component of a vehicle’s cruise control system, which allows the driver to maintain a constant speed on highways and other long stretches of road.

When a Cruise Control Actuator malfunctions, it can cause the cruise control system to fail completely or intermittently. This can be dangerous as it may lead to unexpected acceleration or deceleration of the vehicle, resulting in decreased safety and fuel efficiency.

03. Faulty Cruise Control Module

Cruise control modules are important components of a vehicle, as they help to maintain a constant speed during long drives. But sometimes these modules break down for a variety of reasons and need to be fixed or replaced.

04. Vehicle Speed Sensor Issues

A VSS can also be known as a transmission speed sensor or an output shaft speed sensor. It’s a little gadget that’s attached to the transmission and measures the rpm of a toothed wheel on a shaft inside to tell you how quickly your car is traveling.

The VSS generates low-voltage signals that are transmitted to a computer (or set of computers) known as a control module.

If your speed sensor is malfunctioning, it may influence more than just your speedometer. The VSS feeds information into the engine and gearbox control systems, which then use that information to fine-tune the vehicle’s performance. Other systems (like cruise control) in the vehicle may use this information as well.

While it’s possible to drive without a working vehicle speed sensor, it’s not recommended. Many vehicle functions might be impaired by a faulty VSS; hence, it is important to replace a malfunctioning speed sensor as soon as feasible.

If you notice any of the aforementioned issues, get your automobile checked out right away, or if you’re mechanically savvy, try to fix it yourself.

This will keep you safe on the road and keep your engine and transmission in good working order for the long haul. If you don’t fix a broken sensor, it could hurt both systems because they won’t have the information they need to work right.

If you let things get to this point, you could end up spending hundreds to thousands of dollars and having your car out of commission for longer than necessary.

05. Defective Cruise Control Switch

It would be exhausting to constantly apply pressure to the accelerator while driving for a long distance on an open road. Long-distance driving can be tiring, but thanks to cruise control, you won’t have to worry as much about falling asleep behind the wheel.

Like a human driver, the technology mimics human driving behavior. Rather than having to keep pressing the gas pedal, an actuator can be used to regulate the throttle, allowing the vehicle to maintain a constant cruising speed.

In earlier vehicles, cruise controls were wired directly to the accelerator to keep the pedal in a fixed position, thereby maintaining the specified speed. In contrast, modern vehicles’ systems are cable-free and control speed electronically. Instead, a wireless system connects a computer to a variety of sensors and throttle controls.

This cutting-edge innovation can keep a safe distance from the car in front of it by adjusting its speed automatically. Driver fatigue is greatly reduced because they will not have to constantly push and release the accelerator pedal.The technology will be most helpful for drivers on highways and congested streets during rush hour.

When there’s an issue with the cruise control switch, one of the most prevalent indications is a non-working cruise control light. Once the cruise control is engaged, the light should come on to let the driver know. The failure of the light to turn on could be an indication of a problem with the switch or another part of the system.

Not being able to keep the car at the desired cruise speed is another sign that something is wrong with the cruise control switch. So long as the cruise control setting is active, the driver does not need to constantly apply pressure to the accelerator to keep the car moving at a constant velocity.

It’s possible that the “set” button is broken if pressing it does not cause the car to maintain speed or acceleration. The cruise control switch is the system’s primary interface, so difficulties there can make it difficult to utilize the cruise control. If you’re having trouble with your cruise control switch, it’s best to have a qualified mechanic check out your car.

06. Failure In Wheel Speed Sensor

There is no way to have reliable braking without a wheel speed sensor, also called an anti-lock braking system (ABS) sensor or ABS brake sensor. Your vehicle’s ABS receives information about wheel speed from the speed sensor, which works in tandem with the tone wheel.

This information is read by the ABS control module, which uses it to regulate wheel speed accordingly. As a result, any wheel can be accelerated while being brought back into proper alignment. The anti-lock braking system in your car works with the wheel speed sensors to keep the wheels from locking up when you hit the brakes hard.

The speed sensors help the traction control system, giving you more control over your car on shaky pavement. Wheel speed sensors, like any other braking component, are subject to wear and damage.They are susceptible to damage by debris such as dust and dirt, and may need to be replaced frequently.

Depending on the make and model of your car and the local rates for labor, the price of standard replacement parts could be anywhere from $200 to $400.

However, the price of installing an ABS wheel speed sensor on a high-end car may be higher. Also, some vehicles may be difficult for a mechanic working on auto parts to maneuver around, which adds another layer of complexity and potential difficulty to the job and drives up the cost of labor.

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What Should You Do If You Can’t Speed Up While on Cruise Control?

Cruise control is a great technology that helps drivers maintain a consistent speed while driving. However, there are times when cruise control cannot speed up due to various reasons. This can be extremely frustrating and can lead to delays in reaching the desired destination. If the cruise control fails, the vehicle will simply coast.

Without cruise control, you have to press the brake or gas pedals to change your speed.

In the extremely improbable case that the cruise control produces unintended acceleration, you would reach over, put your car in neutral, let the engine roar (it won’t be damaged), turn on your flashers, and steer yourself safely to the shoulder. Please turn off the motor. Next, you’ll need to get a tow truck dispatched.

You put it in neutral instead of turning the key off because you need the power steering and brakes to control the vehicle, and you don’t want to risk locking the steering wheel in place if you turn the key off too early. The engine has a governor, so it will make a terrible noise while revving, but it won’t be harmed if you coast to a stop.

People Also Ask

How do I know if my cruise control fuse is blown?

Each fuse has two locations on the rear that may be probed; if the test light does not come on in either location, you know the fuse has blown. If the test light doesn’t come on in either direction when the fuse is in the on position, you’ll need to consult the user handbook to figure out what that circuit powers.

How do I reset my cruise control?

It is possible to reset the cruise control by removing your foot from the gas pedal and placing it on the brake pedal simultaneously for a single second while moving at highway speeds.

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